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IKEA Family data protection Upgrade

Complete phone verification for easy access to IKEA Family member benefits. Quick 3-minute process! Verify now!

 Steps for phone verification 

I'm already a IKEA Family member 

➊ Log in for member information update
➋ Confirm your phone number and password
➌ Enter a mobile verification code from SMS
➍ Save and update
➎ Log into IKEA website with your phone number and password

I'm not a IKEA Family member 

➊ Join IKEA Family member
➋ Confirm your phone number and password
➌ Enter a mobile verification code from SMS
➍ Complete member application
➎ Log into IKEA website with your phone number and password


Why is phone verification necessary?

Phone verification aims to protect the personal rights of IKEA Family members and enhance the convenience of using and logging into the IKEA website.

What if I don't receive the SMS verification message?

It's recommended to contact your telecommunications provider: Different telecom companies offer services to block corporate SMS, which might prevent you from receiving the verification code SMS. Please inquire with your telecom company to disable this feature (it may take about 3-4 hours to start receiving SMS again after the service is disabled).

Why am I receiving a verification code sent from LINE?

• If the phone number set in your LINE account matches the one you provided to IKEA Family, the system will send a verification code through the IKEA LINE official account.
• To align more closely with member usage habits and ensure faster message delivery, we've developed a system to send verification codes to members via the IKEA LINE official account. Only brands that have passed LINE verification can use the official account to send notification messages, ensuring a safer message reception for members.

What's the difference between phone verification and email verification? Do I need both?

Phone-verified members can enjoy member-specific offers and benefits, and in the future, will also be able to use their phone for checkout. You can log into the website with either your verified phone or email, making website login more convenient.
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