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Children's high chairs

4 steps to choose the best highchair for your baby
Choose seat > Add tray > Support with seat cover > Hold with legs/frame

購買須知Read before purchase: Please note that the ANTILOP series is not compatible with the LANGUR series.

LANGUR children’s highchair should be completed with a seat shell for junior and a frame. You can add a seat shell with safety belt for baby highchair and complement with a seat cover and a tray.


Our children's products feature rounded edges to prevent injuries, and feature safety straps.

Seat shell for highchair, white

$ 250

Seat shell for junior chair, white

$ 500

Highchair tray, white

$ 100

Highchair tray, white

$ 500

Padded seat cover for junior chair, grey

$ 299

Highchair leg

$ 149 / 4pack

Frame for junior chair, white

$ 1,799

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