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Accumulated Purchase Reward

Starting from 1st Jul 2024,
buying home furnishing products or furniture with IKEA for Business Card,
spend over $50,000 gets $1,500 home furniture voucher!
Extra $300 given upon every purchase of $10,000.
*Unlimited rewards all year round!



  • Eligible purchases for accumulating rewards are limited to furnishing or decorating products purchases with receipts in all IKEA stores or online store in Taiwan. Sorry to say that the amount paid for delivery and assembly service fee are not eligible for accumulating rewards. Purchases made in IKEA Swedish restaurant, Swedish food market, Bistro or IKEA Café are also not included in the accumulated purchasing amount.
  • Refunded amount and products purchased with coupon cannot be accumulated for the reward. If the total amount did not meet free service fee offer’s criteria in case of return and exchange service, when applying for return and refunds service, you will have to pay relevant service fees deducted from the original order.
  • IKEA will calculate the product consumption that meets the requirements and delivers the voucher for the prior month on the 10th of every month (if it falls on a holiday, it will be postponed to the first working day after the holiday). If the online shopping dates and actual invoice dates are different, the invoice date shall prevail.
  • Vouchers are valid for two months from the date of issue. The vouchers for this year's consumption rewards must be redeemed before the end of February of the following year at the latest. Overdue coupons cannot be extended and cannot be reissued.
  • Our coupons are limited to be used in IKEA physical stores in Taiwan for purchasing furnishing and decorating products. Coupons cannot be used for IKEA online shopping, Swedish restaurant, Swedish food market, Bistro, As-Is sections in stores, delivery fee and assembly fees, and non-IKEA brand products.
  • Products purchased using this coupon, as listed on the receipt, are not eligible for returns. In case of product defects, only exchanges for the same item number are allowed, and the exchange must be processed at the original purchase store within 365 days of the purchase date.
  • Please show your IKEA for Business Card at the checkout counter and use the same GUI numberas registered when applying IKEA for Business offers.
  • Please visit IKEA stores and find our staffs to learn more details. Or please call our hotline 412-8869 (02-412-8869 for mobile users).
  • The above mentioned offers cannot be used with other promotions. IKEA reserves the right to modify or revoke offers.
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