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IKEA for Business solutions

Hostel in Nantou county

Industry: Tourism industry
Space type: Hospitality
Floorspace: 80 ping
Budget: NTD$1,500,000

1. Space requirement-shared spaces: Lobby, laundry, hallway, rooms, and planning the duplex rooms.
2. The customer is already an IKEA lover who always furnishes and decorates the hostel with IKEA products. The main target of this project is to present a diverse style, and coordination between the ceiling, floor and walls. We design four major styles in the hostel, and make the most of the walls with smart decorating ideas to create various Check-in locationthat help with promotion, such as wall-mounted rails with plant pots, honeycomb-like mirrors, EKET cabinets, and deliberately leave some plain walls to emphasize the others. In order to create a heartwarming home vibe, we use dark colors to make a contrast with the traditional Scandinavian style; as for light color modern designs, we use wooden textures to infuse the atmosphere of Europe into the rooms—IKEA furniture creates a heaven for style coordination.
3. Besides this project and some furniture purchased, the customer also made an appointment to follow up with new projects— planning makeovers for the old rooms and the shared spaces in the new building. We are so excited about the upcoming projects!

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