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Safety at home for babies and children

Bumps and bruises are a part of growing up – but home should be a place where children don’t suffer a serious injury. So to make their everyday life as safe as possible, a good starting point is to look at your home furnishing through a child’s eyes.

Young children can easily lose balance as the head makes up a relatively large part of their body weight.

More child and baby safety topics to explore


"Always stay one step ahead of your child.”

Herdís Storgaard
Child Safety expert, Iceland

IKEA products with children in mind

For more peace of mind when you live with children, the IKEA range includes a wide range of useful products.


IKEA soft toys have embroidered eyes, which can’t be pulled off and potentially choked on.

How IKEA develops safe products

Safety is key in the development of IKEA products, to make sure that they can withstand the demands of everyday life at home.

The full list of IKEA product recalls

Here you can check if you have an IKEA product that has since been recalled – and, if so, what to do now.

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