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A better tomorrow- Take chance to win North Coast One-Day trip!

Go visit the Marine Debris House at any IKEA Taipei Store, take part the waste reduction challenge, take a photo with marine debris house and upload it publicly to your personal FB with the specified text, you will be eligible for the lucky draw and have the opportunity to win the North Coast One-Day trip.

We will take you to visit the famous scenic spots Bitoujiao Trail, Shuinan Cave Ruins, Wangyougu Seascape, Elephant Trunk Rock, and Colorful Hut Zhengbin Fishing port, to enjoy the scenery of Taiwans North Coast!

Activity period

Activity Scheme:
  1. Scan the QRcode on the TV, voting the action youre willing to take for marine conservation!
  2. Take a photo with any part of marine debris house.
  3. Upload the photo to your personal Facebook page and set it to public.
  4. Type the action youre willing to take for marine conservation, ex: I will not use plastic bags from now on! And add the Hashtag #IKEAmarinedebrishouse

Notice: We will announce the winners on IKEA Taipei Facebook fans page on 2022/12/2(Hsin Chuang store, Xin Dian store, Nei Hu store, Taipei City Shop Arena)

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