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TaiChung Store Furniture Repair Service

Prolonging product life

We help you save money by extending the lifespan of your products. Our commitment lies in assisting you in keeping your belongings for a longer duration. We are delighted to offer four distinct repair services.

Repair Fee: Starting from $100
To initiate a repair service, kindly send us an email specifying the required repair services. Or contact with Customer Service (2F). 

Repair service fee: 

Repair items  Charge standards 
POANG  $400 
Bed slats  $320 / one pcs 
Reinforced drawer bottoms  $100 / one drawer 
Latt  Children Table  $300 / one pcs 
Children Chair $100 / one pcs 

Step 1. Take photos

Take 2 photos of the overall appearance of the furniture and the location where repairs are needed, from different angles.

Step 2. Contact us

Send an email to Kao Hsiung store customer service deparment and specifying the required repair services, providing photos, the condition requiring repair, and the name of the contact person.

Step 3. After our replying

We will reply within 3 days to see if further repairs can be made, or parts can be purchased to fix it by yourself.

Step 4. Get back your furniture

Receive your beloved furniture at the branch within 7 working days, with on-site personnel assessment as the primary criterion. Keep enjoying your new pieces!

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