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Taichung Store|The world’s first IKEA Roof Garden

The Roof Garden combines nature and sustainability

IKEA Taichung Roof Garden is located in the outdoor space on the 5th floor, allowing you to heal your body and soul in the city! It further implements IKEA's concept of sustainable ideas and is designed to be a unique place full of sustainable, fun and creativity.  

Opening Information

【Opening Hours】
Mon.-Sun. 11:00-18:00

【How to get there】
1. Take the elevator near 1F greeter, it provides direct access to the rooftop garden on the 5th floor. (Elevator operating hours are from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily.)
2. Take the elevator or escalator to the Showroom entrance on the 4th floor .Then take the stairs to the 5th floor. 
📢If you have special needs and need to take the elevator, there is an intercom at the entrance of Roof Gareden on the 4th floor. 

Enter from the 4th floor store first (near the showroom entrance), then take the stairs to the Roof Garden on the 5th floor

The lobby of Roof Garden

Embrace and delight in our urban oasis

Outdoor Roof Garden|Exclusive features 

The first IKEA's Roof Garden is located in Taichung City!
Not only has solar panels and various outdoor home furnituring inspirations here, but also lush green plants, and interactive and sustainable maze. Before shopping at IKEA Taichung store, you are welcome to visit our Roof Garden first, and enjoy a relaxing time. 

📢Our displays in each area are adjusted periodically, so feel free to visit us often!

Hej Planting Outdoor Installation 
Hej means "Hello" in Sweish. Welcome to the IKEA Roof Garden and experience the beauty of natural and greenery together. 
Outdoor Plant Market
A variety of succulents ,herbs, climbing and foliage plants are sold here. People who love planting are welcome to come and buy. 

Healing Oasis of Green
All outdoor furniture are made of acacia wood in this area. The warm and calm wood material is full of comfort and leisure.   
Greenery Maze
A game space that combines knowledge about sustainability. Through interesting questions and answers, you can learn about the tips to practive sustainable living in daily life. 

Urban Garden 
There is an environmentally cooffe grounds recycling area here. You can bring your own containers and take them home for free as plant fertilizer, which is resouce reusing and environmentally friendly.  
Outdoor Table Party 
This area makes extensive use of durable and elegant steel outdoor furniture. Store activities will be hold from time to time here in the future. 

Roof Garden Activity

IKEA Christmas Market

Experience the Christmas Atmosphere at IKEA Taichung Store!

12/21 Sat. - 12/22 Sun. 12:00-18:00
at IKEA Taichung store, 1F Plaza & 5F Roof Garden

📢If there are any changes to the event, on-site announcements will be made. 
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