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Employee Assistant Programs (EAP)

Employee Assistant Programs (EAP)

         IKEA has always been committed to establishing a happy workplace and a pleasant working environment; IKEA Taiwan and the Taiwan Institute of Psychotherapy collaborate with Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) to deliver professional, confidential, voluntary counseling and other services.

         The primary goal of EAP is for professional psychologists to listen to voices, assist in figuring things out, help avoid and resolve difficulties that may impede an individual's professional efficacy and productivity, assist employees in achieving work-life balance, help employees thrive in the workplace with a healthy body and mind, and set up 0800 toll-free consultation line, e-mail, professional psychologists will listen to colleagues' issues. To protect personal consultation information, the Taiwan Institute of Psychotherapy adheres to the provisions of the Psychologist Act and the Personal Information Act; the employer and supervisors are not permitted to request personal consultation information without the individual's consent so that colleagues can use EAP services with peace of mind. At the same time, there will be emotional sketches in the workplace article area for employees to read every month.

         Furthermore, IKEA arranges for psychologists to tour stores and hold promotional briefings so that employees have a better grasp of the content of the EAP plan and how they can utilize it. This happiness plan is hoped to support employees in their personal or work life, leading to improved health and longevity.

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