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Advancing into rural areas, empowering vocational and technical skills

Consolidating Corporate Strengths and Investing in Rural Technical Vocational Education

          IKEA collaborates with the TSMC Charity Foundation, which has long been committed to rural education, to promote a corporate technical vocational education program jointly. In the initial trial period, IKEA entrusted its long-term delivery and assembly partner RI-TONG with the task of organizing and collaborating, allowing students from the National ChiaTung Agricultural Vocational senior high school to enter BFT for corporate training and internships directly, integrating formal education and training to avoid the uncertainty of waiting for job opportunities. Not only can students acquire a specialized skill during the process, but they can also obtain direct job opportunities upon graduation, providing immediate employment prospects. With just three days of practical education, students can be matched with jobs and choose their career path.

          IKEA has come to Jiadong Agricultural and Commercial Vocational High School in Pingtung, the southernmost part of Taiwan, which has a history of 80 years in tropical agriculture education. In response to vocational education in rural areas, FET Logistics, in collaboration with the company's operational management standards, has launched specialized courses such as transporting IKEA products, learning to assemble and package furniture, assisting in sorting, counting, and stacking goods, and furniture assembly.

Practical training lays the foundation for the future

         Among the 138 students at National ChiaTung Agricultural Vocational senior high school, about one-third, or 33 students, expressed interest in participating in the furniture assembly course, resonating with IKEA's vision of creating a better everyday life for most people. In the end, five students participated in the practical training, including two female students in the administrative affairs group who learned about administrative tasks related to work, and three male students in the furniture assembly group who actually accompanied the delivery team to receive customer information the night before, loaded the goods onto the truck, and contacted customers to arrange delivery schedules. On the day of delivery, the delivery and assembly tasks were completed within the agreed-upon time. The team promptly reported to the customer service department if any issues arose during the delivery and assembly process. After undergoing a 3-day furniture assembly course and 2-day practical training, students have laid a solid foundation for practical livelihood skills.

Providing corporate resources to become guides for vocational students

          IKEA hopes to cultivate key competencies needed for entering the workforce through its core business skills, utilizing a practical and empowering approach to help students discover their aspirations, acquire professional skills, and take their first steps toward career development. This initiative aims to provide opportunities for rural students to escape poverty and inject energy into vocational education.


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