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Taiwan Power Company : Lease Cooperation and the Circular Economy

The "lease instead of purchase" circular economy model replaces the traditional linear model of  "manufacture, purchase, use, and dispose"

         IKEA is fully committed to promoting the circular economy business model, using "product as a service" as a milestone. In collaboration with Taipei 101, we seek to transform the concept of buying furniture as an asset into purchasing and using furniture as a service, shifting from a linear economy to a circular economy. IKEA will provide product maintenance, repair, and replacement during the collaboration period. At the end of the lease term, IKEA will either recycle and reuse the furniture or sell it, significantly reducing the amount of disposable waste created while at the same time meeting customer needs.

         If a circular economy is not implemented, every major renovation could cause the world to suffer from more waste. Abandoned furniture waste accounts for up to 7% of the global landfill, and Taiwan's renovation and construction waste amounts to as much as 70 million tons per year. With such a vast amount of waste, what can be done?

         IKEA's furniture rental service adheres to the principle of not wasting, where "landfills" will no longer be an option for IKEA to dispose of waste. Instead, we encourage customers to extend the lifespan of products by "reusing,” replacing, or selling them through the second-hand market by "refurbishing" and repairing products into "as-new" condition, or even by "remaking" products that cannot be refurbished by disassembling them into components that can become materials for the next batch of products or spare parts for repairs. Ultimately, all components will be "upgraded and recycled" and transformed into raw materials, re-entering IKEA's product supply chain. The four loops of IKEA’s Circular Economy greatly reduce the carbon footprint of manufacturing.

         Taipei 101, known for being the world's tallest green building, is collaborating with IKEA to set up the living service area on the 35th floor. The partnership allows Taipei 101's tenants to enjoy ample relaxation in a leisurely environment. Everything is handled by IKEA, from design to furniture delivery, assembly, and maintenance. The area's style will be updated every two to three years. Seasonal decoration services will be provided, such as creating a festive atmosphere for the Lunar New Year to ensure a fresh customer experience.

         With our successful cooperation, Taiwan Power Company, which hopes to become a leader in the public sector, has collaborated with IKEA to launch a circular furniture project, and jointly renovate the staff restaurant of Taiwan Power Company’s headquarters. Through well-designed, durable, and easy-to-maintain IKEA furniture and home decor products designed with the circular economy in mind, the 40-year-old cooperative-style staff restaurant of Taiwan Power Company will be renovated and transformed into a stylish European-style restaurant. After the renovation, employees not only come to the restaurant to dine, but more and more of them have also started to bring their laptops to enjoy their work time in the staff restaurant. In addition to providing an excellent dining environment, the "leasing service" further demonstrates the practice of a circular economy business model. We hope to drive all departments to minimize carbon emissions in multiple ways and move towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Sustainability is our DNA

         The rental service model can reduce the cost of purchasing, maintenance, and disposal, which is estimated to reduce about 6 tons of furniture waste. This is equivalent to lowering about 20 tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to the amount of carbon absorbed by 2000 trees in a year. If IKEA recycles and refurbishes used furniture, it can create circular economic value and significantly reduce the generation of disposable waste.

         With Taiwan Power Company acting as the leader in carbon reduction in Taiwan, the circular economy business model can reduce carbon emissions in terms of electricity consumption and shine a light on different business models as a market leader. This circular economy business model, which involves asset utilization, product-service systems, and leasing, has become the optimal solution for carbon reduction. Together with its partners, IKEA is creating a circular economy business model that brings outstanding carbon reduction benefits and integrates sustainable management into commercial thinking, forming a new business model that fully embodies the core concept of IKEA's sustainable transformation.

         In addition, to keep up with the ever-changing consumer demand, IKEA has launched its "leasing service"! IKEA is planning to standardize its leasing service, providing corporate customers with the flexibility to adjust to changes in their business while effectively utilizing their capital when enjoying office furniture. More importantly, by working with suppliers, business partners, and customers, we can expand the scale and benefits of the circular economy. Let's join hands in loving the earth and protecting our home.

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