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Sharing a small space with roommates

Shared housing can have its challenges, but with a little creativity, colour coding, extendable functions and other smart solutions, one room can work just fine for three. Or even more than that, when you have friends staying over.

Double the bed space

It's nice to be able to house guests now and then, even if you’re living small. With stackable beds it’s easy to double the amount of bedspace and be a good overnight host.

Stay organised, stay friends

Handy storage for everything is generally a good recipe for getting along, not least in the hallway. A shelf for shoes keeps the floor from getting cluttered, and hooks and baskets set you up for a smoother flow with your things in check.

Curtains for privacy

It’s nice to have company, but you will probably need alone-time too. Just draw the curtain and you will have the space all to yourself. It’s also a cosy way of cocooning the bed before bedtime.

A rug for double softness

When you are living with many people it can easily get a bit noisy. A big rug makes the acoustics in the room more pleasant, and its colours, patterns and textures can also add a visual boost.

Introducing the bedside box

If you feel that a bedside table is a bit too square, try a box. It gives yougenerous, easy-access storage and the castors let you swoosh it to right where it’s needed.

The best pillow is your pillow

When it comes to sleeping, your tried-and-tested pillow is probably your best buddy. So, if you’re going somewhere, bring it with you for restful nights with a homey feeling.

The right shade gets the bed made

When you double the bedspace, you need to double up on bedding as well. With bed linen in different colours for each roommate it’s easy to avoid confusion in the laundry.

Systemise with a splash of colour

A bit of paint on your untreated wood furniture helps you divide things up without actual dividers. If you make it a theme throughout your shared space, it's easy to tell what is what and whose is whose.

Living without a permanent address
Flexible storage for life on the go

Total items 12
KNAGGLIG - box, pine, 23x31x15 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE900576_S4

Box, pine, 23x31x15 cm

$ 299


KYRRE - stool, birch | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE729952_S4

Stool, birch

$ 499




KNAGGLIG - box, pine, 46x31x25 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE900582_S4

Box, pine, 46x31x25 cm

$ 499


BEKVÄM - spice rack, aspen | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE814904_S4

Spice rack, aspen

$ 179


ULLVIDE - pillowcase, white, 50x80 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE682722_S4

Pillowcase, white, 50x80 cm

$ 149


UTÅKER - stackable bed, pine, 80x200 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE889565_S4

Stackable bed, pine, 80x200 cm

$ 4,999 / 2pack


KOLBJÖRN - shelving unit in/outdoor, beige, 80x81 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE718449_S4

Shelving unit in/outdoor, beige, 80x81 cm

$ 1,999


TINGBY - side table on castors, white, 50x50 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE593578_S4

Side table on castors, white, 50x50 cm

$ 1,299




BERGPALM - duvet cover and pillowcase, green/stripe, 150x200/50x80 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE732529_S4

Duvet cover and pillowcase, green/stripe, 150x200/50x80 cm

$ 999


RAST - chest of 3 drawers, pine, 62x70 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE706790_S4

Chest of 3 drawers, pine, 62x70 cm

$ 2,499


BENGTA - block-out curtain, 1 length, with heading tape/blue | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE769558_S4

Block-out curtain, 1 length, with heading tape/blue

$ 499

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REGOLIT - pendant lamp shade, white/handmade, 45 cm | IKEA Taiwan Online - PE522998_S4

Pendant lamp shade, white/handmade, 45 cm

$ 129

Temporarily out of stock online, click to check the status at stores


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