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Making it easy to meet over a meal

Eating together is an ideal way to share time on a daily basis. Catch up with the family, exchange stories from your day. A good place to start is a spot that puts everyone at ease, and has comfortable seats for long sessions at the table.

A multi-tasking stool

Being able to pull up an extra seat is always good. A nearby stool is an instant option, and hides away just as quick. Either for a visiting friend (of course, guests get proper chairs), or as a handy extra surface.

Details make a meal

Giving details just a bit of extra attention really helps heighten the moment. Add place mats, decorated napkins and your favourite tableware, and an everyday meal suddenly becomes a special occasion.

Seating for style and comfort

Good support – and soft chair pads to sit on – allow long meals without discomfort. Also, a matching set makes the dining area stylish and inviting.

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