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A cosy shared boho bedroom

This small bedroom is a perfect retreat from the world, a tranquil shared space filled with plants and earthy colours. The mix of rich textiles and materials like wood and rattan create a calming, cocooning feel to enjoy day and night.

Setting the mood for a safe haven

The warmth and texture of the bed’s rattan headboard is complemented by layered textiles in neutrals, rich browns, greens and blues, all enveloped by the rustic green walls. A mix of lighting that includes an oversize paper pendant lampshade finishes a boho feel that’s always calm and nurturing.

Make room for an air purifier

With its elegant white finish, this air purifier easily combines with natural materials in the room. Even better is how it supports every day activities by keeping the air in the room cleaner to help everyone’s wellbeing – and giving you greater peace of mind.

Create contrasts with storage

Smooth finishes combine seamlessly with comforting materials like wood and rattan, adding modern character to the boho style as well as elevating the cocooning feel in the space. It also adds to the sense of relaxation in other ways, by making sure there’s enough room to keep everything in order.

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