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A small bathroom that will lift your spirits

Big or small doesn't matter — with a variety of storage solutions across your bathroom you can turn it into something both charming and functional. A washstand in warm grey, supported by accessories in pink, wooden and earthy hues, gives this space an inviting atmosphere with a tidy and traditional look.

Beautify your bathroom with accessories

Unclutter your sink while making sure that everything is easily accessible when you're getting ready. A decorative shelf in steel and solid birch has room for personal items without covering the mirror. Soft hand towels hang conveniently close to the washbasin and match the rest of the interior perfectly.

Explore your storage possibilities

This small bathroom keeps its airy feel since every inch is used in a smart way. The flexible storage includes a trolley that can be wheeled to where you need it, a wall shelf that's easy to reach using a step stool and hooks to take care of any wet towels. And why not use the windowsill for an extra mirror?

Refresh your bathroom with small updates

Add storage with a warm and natural look

Bring a touch of nature to your bathroom. This large basket is sewn from braided threads of jute which gives it a timeless, unique and warm appearance. Thanks to its size, it's perfect for laundry, but you can also use it to store bath towels or other big items that you want to have close at hand.

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