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A two-in-one kids room to fit their unique personality and style

One bedroom is transformed into two separate spaces for kids to enjoy privacy and independence whilst still having a connection. By dividing the room with curtains and walls, adding clever storage solutions and creative designs for each unique personality, your kids can get the best of both worlds.

A shared space with two looks

Adding a room divider and curtains to separate the room, the kids get their own place to hang out that’s unique to them. By creating two distinct areas for each child, you can let the kids put their stamp on their “zone” and decorate it to cater to their own interests and personal taste.

It’s in the details

A foldable mattress can be used as extra seating or a bed for a sleepover, and a wardrobe and chest of drawers provides additional storage space for personal items and clothing. Posters on the wall make it easy to add some colourful artwork and big fluffy lamps add some fun personality to the space.

Another place to chill

Maximise the space above the bed and give your kid an extra place to hang out by sticking artwork or adding a shelf high up on the wall. For extra den-appeal, mix purple, black and pink textiles to give a fun look that’s not too childish, then finish with soft, comfy cushions in colours that pop.

Privacy at the pull of a curtain

A flexible alternative to a wall, curtains create a private area for study, me-time, or a place to get dressed with a floor length mirror and lamp. When siblings need to sleep, use headphones to keep the sound down and draw the curtains to block out the light.

Play with light and colour

For a fun way to create atmosphere and change up the mood, you can play with the lighting. These pendant lamps with Home Smart lighting and coloured bulbs means your kids can dim the lights or switch between colours to suit what they’re doing, listening to music, studying, or having a gaming marathon.

Create your own cool space

Easy-peasy wall art

The best part about doing up a kid’s room is you get to be playful! Like this kids wall with posters playfully tacked up with coloured tape and hooks to hang their belongings. Not only child-friendly but wallet-friendly too.

Stay on top of the clutter

From small toys and clothing to random rocks they’ve picked up on their travels, it can be hard to find places to put all of the kids stuff. Space-saving storage solutions, like these drawers and wardrobes with trays, boxes and inserts provide a simple way to get organised.

A place to inspire young minds

Whether it’s painting landscapes, studying fossils or doing homework, having a space for your child to get into flow helps to support their interests. Add a comfy chair and sturdy desk with plenty of light and you have a creative and calm space to help them focus.

Time together and apart

This bunk bed allows the kids to be together when they want, then spend time alone if they need privacy. We’ve put up a plywood wall next to the bed, then cut out a hole in the lower part for easy access to the other side. Each bunk is decorated with textiles that cater to your kids’ unique tastes.

Recreate the look – piece by piece

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