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Bathroom lighting ideas to brighten each moment

Lighting can do as much for the atmosphere and functionality in your bathroom as in all other rooms of your home. And it’s the same main principle that applies – combining many different types of lighting will most likely serve you the best. 

Bathing in light

Many smaller lamps spread out across the bathroom – rather than just one or two – is a clever way to make the space feel bigger. This wall lamp with a frosted glass shade spreads a soft light that you can dim to set a pleasant spa feel in your bathroom.

Light from all angles

Good functional light around the bathroom mirror is important as this is where most of the action is. A mirror with built-in lighting can be a smart choice for a compact solution that spreads the light evenly, not just up close but across larger areas of the bathroom.

Are you really seeing it?

With lighting built into your magnifying mirror, it’s even easier to get a good look when you’re shaving, putting on makeup or plucking your eyebrows. In this case, it’s actually a dimmable wall lamp with a detachable mirror you can position any way you like or even hold in your hand.

Shine a light inside

Once you’ve tried integrated lighting in one of your drawers, there’s a good chance you will want it in all drawers across your home. It just makes it that much easier finding what you’re looking for and keeping things organised and tidy.

A feelgood glow

Flickering fake candles with a safe, long-lasting LED light source can be just as good as regular candles for setting a calm, relaxing atmosphere. These ones have built-in timers, so they’re also ideal to use as cosy bathroom night lights.

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