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The compact modern kitchen for small spaces and active people

We’ve created this modern kitchen for a small-sized living space, the calm pale-green of the fronts uniting with bright accessories to create an energetic kitchen area. Reflecting a vibrant lifestyle, this kitchen delivers a flexible solution that’s easy to assemble and disassemble or customise. The perfect kitchen for on-the-move people.

Cabinets and shelves make this kitchen a place to be who you are

This kitchen makes the best use of limited space, with a clever mix of closed and open storage. Lots of doors and drawers to keep things stowed away behind, and open shelves to display who you are. This small space kitchen is all about the freedom to do things your way.

Boxes for storage that you can colour to reflect your personality

We painted this box green to add a bit of natural colour to the room. The colour balances with the white marble-effect worktop and the pale grey-green kitchen fronts. But don’t let that stop you, you can go for a bit of discord, and colour life how you like, it’s up to you. Customisation is the name of the game.

Colourful kitchen area for whatever comes your way

This kitchen is a place for living, all your daily home activities can take place in the same space. We painted the cabinet blue for contrast with the pale grey-green fronts. Cooking and eating, studying and chilling out with hobbies or a cup of coffee with friends. This is one small space with a big future.

Shelves turn those hidden nooks into convenient storage space

As this kitchen has limited space, we really maxed out on making the most of what there was. Uncluttered is essential for people on the go. We used the otherwise unused room above the fridge to put shelving and make a home for colanders, jars, boxes and even glasses. We put a plant on the wooden beam too.

Get a compact modern kitchen for your modern daily needs

Everything you need to create your own small space kitchen for a flexible, on-the-go life.
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