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How should I arrange my children’s room and get a free ride in the land of imagination?

Children’s rooms are worlds of their own, full of ideas, creativity, toys and... chaos? No, it doesn’t have to be chaotic at all! Smart storage solutions make tidying up part of the playing. In a child’s mind the soft toys go home to their house, while the parent simply watches them go without necessarily saying “time to tidy up in here”.

Consult an expert: Your child!

When planning a children’s room, don’t overlook the little ones who actually live in there. The children know what they need space for, how they prefer to both wake up, play all day and last but not least; comfortably fall asleep at night. Make planning their room your mutual project, and why not use SKÅDIS pegboard as a canvas for all the different ideas? With a pegboard and creative minds, nothing is impossible.

Room for it all? Check!

The best way to plan a room is to first list all the activities there needs to be room for, and then create different zones for them. Usually you’ll find that every zone has its own centerpiece, such as the bed in the sleeping zone or the
wardrobe in the getting dressed zone. By dedicating each space to one main activity, you will create a well organised room where it’s easy to both find stuff and keep everything in order.

Let’s go: What does there have to be room for in your room?
· sleeping
· playing
· getting dressed
· studying
· relaxing
· hobbies
· friends
· you name it!

Let the planning of storage solutions be childishly simple

Planning the clothes storage together is the easiest way to make sure that a certain little one can get dressed in no time. Even if the child’s logic is, well...different to yours, the important thing is that everyone knows where everything goes. Smart storage solutions like SMÅSTAD easily adapt to fit growing needs.

How to make storage part of the playing
Knock knock, anybody home?

VITBJÖRN storage unit with drawer is just one example of a storage solution that is a colourful piece of furniture, but also part of the fun! When the storage is on the floor where the playing takes place, the children automatically and happily take charge of the tidying up!

Sleep is where dreams come alive

Children’s beds should be places they long to curl into, and having their own favourite bedding makes it easy to come to rest at night. As they grow the snuff blanket might be traded for a dinosaur or book, but if you choose an extendable bed and adaptable storage solution, the furniture last for many years to come!

What does the world look like through the eyes of your child?

What does the world look like through the eyes of your child?

Instead of complaining about toys on the floor, lay down for a while and take a look at the room from your child’s point of view. Perhaps that ball you stumbled over also is an unknown planet of our solar system? Or the lucky football they set that last crucial goal and won the World Cup with? Let the children’s room be their universe, where only their imagination set the rules. Regard your every visit to it as a blessing.