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How to create a homey feeling in the office

A working environment where people feel at ease is often a productive one. So, how do you optimise co-worker comfort? One answer is to engage and please as many senses as possible. For more hands-on tips, lean back and keep reading.

Have a comfort zone at the ready

Integrate a lounging area (or several) as an active part of the working day. For relaxing and socialising, naturally, but also as an alternative workspace. Don’t be shy. Pile up on textiles, colours, soft materials. Decorate and arrange for variable lighting.

Hang these lookers on your wall

Furnish with art and sound

Designate areas, like this wall, where creative expression is the norm. The more, the better. If you have many pieces, use placement to create visual harmony. Done right, a TV screen and a WiFi speaker (if it’s already decorated, even better) become one with the soothing motifs.

Add functional mood setters

Beautify your office furniture! Most pieces can be decorated and still perform other tasks. This double-working room divider is a pleasing view in all directions. The office-facing side slightly more work-oriented, the other hinting at more relaxed activities. Can you feel the calm spreading?

Go green

This is an easy one, but oh-so effective. Fill your office with showstopping bouquets, beautiful vases and plant pots aplenty. For spaces with limited daylight or if you want to minimise maintenance – create a garden of artificial plants. Greenery in all its forms promotes well-being, so let it sprout freely.

Place your oases here

Read the room

Provide a space devoted to deep thought, concentrated calm or just a few moments of seclusion. Whether it's furnished with bookcases, draping textiles or other, it can do wonders for the overall harmony of a workplace.

Delay going home

Aim to create an atmosphere where co-workers arrive with a genuine smile. One where the same people willingly stay after hours every now and then. Not for extra work, but for quality of life. Which is a win-win all-round. After all, what’s good for people tends to also be good for business.

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