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5 creative ways to store your shoes

It’s easy to just dump your stuff off as soon as you walk through the door, and finding a place to store multiple pairs of shoes can be a big problem, especially for families. By adding shoe storage in unexpected or unused places, you can maximise your floor space and keep clutter to a minimum.

Out of sight. Peaceful mind.

Stop shoes becoming a tripping hazard and an unsightly mess by storing them away in specially designed shoe cabinets or inside wardrobes. Put shoes in boxes or inserts inside the wardrobe, then stack the boxes on top of each other to keep them neat and tidy.

Get an overview

Having a pair of shoes for every occasion is great but finding a place to put them can get messy. Save time playing hunt-the-shoe in the morning by storing them in boxes and placing them in an easy to reach place. Find what you’re looking for even easier by sticking a polaroid photo on the front of the box.

Double your rack space

The classic shoe rack will hold multiple pairs of shoes and fits easily into small and unused spaces, so it’s already pretty efficient. By adding these nifty shoe organisers, a kind of bunkbed for shoes, you can double up on your space by stacking pairs on top of each other.

Boss the school run

Getting kids out of the door in the morning can seem like an insurmountable task. Make it easier on yourself by giving the kids a bench to sit on while they put on their shoes, add hooks above for their outdoor clothes, then store their shoes in the space underneath. Parenting done like a pro!

Shoe storage made simple

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