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Neihu store-Nationally authority diamond green building

We are committed to becoming circular and climate positive by 2030. Throughout the store in Neihu, you can see our dedication to protecting the earth. There are LED lamps, central air conditioning units, air handlers and water pumps with variable frequency drives all over the store to save energy. Also, we’ve applied for the silver-graded Green Building certification, set up electric vehicle charging stations and installed solar panels on the roof. That's because we believe it's possible to live a good life within the limits of the planet. We strive to have a positive impact on society, shaping the world for a better future.

Sustainability in every corner

Install the solar panels on the roof to reduce carbon emissions

Completely using the LED lamps in store

Using the Energy-efficient air-conditioning equipments

Smart EV charing

Gogoro power stations make it easy to go green

YouBike station, convenient, eco-friendly and healthy

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