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IKEA Taipei|Find Your Home at Sinyi, Discover Home Furnishing Happiness at IKEA

IKEA Taipei Stores offer exclusive discounts for Sinyi Realty property transaction customers(Homebuyers)

During the promotion period, Sinyi Realty property transaction customers(Homebuyers) who completed online event registration in the "Sinyi Digital Voucher System" will be notified by Sinyi Realty to visit the customer service counter at IKEA Taipei stores. By presenting the IKEA offers page from the "Sinyi Digital Voucher System" on their mobile phone as proof, Sinyi Realty customers can receive the following two paper vouchers
  • Home Furnishing Products Discount VoucherGet NT$1,500 off a single home furnishing purchase of NT$30,000 or more. Please present this voucher and the IKEA Family member card at the manual checkout counter to enjoy the discount (this voucher is not applicable at self-checkout kiosks). The voucher can be used at IKEA Taipei stores on the same day it is collected from the customer service counter.
  • Home Furnishing Service Fee Discount Voucher: Get NT$2,000 off the service fee when placing an order for the "Complete Home Planning Package(including on-site measurement)" with a minimum order of NT$100,000. Please present this voucher and your IKEA Family member card at the Home Furnishing Service checkout to enjoy the discount (this voucher is not applicable at self-checkout kiosks). Customers who wish to use this service should first make an online appointment for home planning consultation and visit the Home Furnishing Service at the scheduled time

IKEA Taipei Home Furnishing Service Intro Page

注意事項↓↓ (點擊展開,了解更多) 
  • IKEA「家具家飾滿額商品抵用券」和「居家規劃完整方案服務費抵用券」限宜家卡卡友使用,取得這兩種紙本券的成交顧客須先申請成為宜家卡卡友,結帳時須出示宜家卡。每位卡友每種紙本券限使用乙張,不得與其他優惠疊加使用,但這兩種紙本券可合併使用。
  • IKEA瑞典餐廳、瑞典超市、美食小站、特價品區(AS-IS區)、所有服務消費、宜家家居禮物卡、店內非IKEA自有品牌商品(例如3M)等消費,恕無法計入這兩種紙本券活動的單筆消費金額內。
  • 「家具家飾滿額商品抵用券」和「居家規劃完整方案服務費抵用券」如因退換商品而未達活動消費門檻(家具家飾NT$30,000/居家規劃NT$100,000),折抵優惠將取消,顧客須於退換商品時補足差額。
  • 「家具家飾滿額商品抵用券」和「居家規劃完整方案服務費抵用券」超過使用期限或經截角、塗改、仿冒、影印等,均視為無效。如有遺失、被竊或損毀,恕不掛失和補發。
  • 本公司保有活動之修改、變更或暫停等權利。
  • 詳細活動辦法,悉依IKEA官網公告;若有未盡事宜,本公司並得隨時補充公告之。

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