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Tai Chung Store IKEA for Business

Our Service

Business purchase / E-mail purchase

Do you need assistance to place a bulk order or to purchase furniture for your business premises?

We offer below order methods:
  1. E-mail order: Email us at with products’ name, product number and quantities needed to place orders.
  2. Online order form: Fill out and submit the online form. Our co-worker will contact you with quotations.Place order now
  3. Download spreadsheet: Fill out detailed order information and articles needed, and email us the spreadsheet.Download spreadsheet
We will contact you via email to confirm articles needed, total order amount, delivery schedule and shipping address within two business days (excluding weekends) upon receiving your order requests.

Important notices:
  • Please be reminded that for return and exchange service, please pack your items—without being unpacked or assembled—back into their original packaging and bring them back to the store with invoice and within 365 days. We will process the exchange or refund accordingly.

E-mail purchase service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Tel.: 04-2704 9699 #6139

Planning business space

Need help planning your office, dormitory, store, or showroom?
With just one service, we’ll take care of everything from furniture arrangement to complete setup!
For an affordable fee, our professionals can visit your space for measurements and provide expert advice on layout design and style coordination. We cater to a variety of commercial space needs, offering tailored solutions in one go.
On-site, we showcase different commercial spaces such as cafes, clothing stores, and offices to inspire your interior design ideas.
  • IKEA Taichung Store: Fees and Guidelines for Commercial & Residential Space Design Services
  • Explore More Commercial Design Cases
  • Book Your Commercial Space Design Consultation Now


Interest free instalment

With select credit cards and a single purchase amount of $30,000 and above, you can enjoy a 12-month interest free instalment payment plan. Or, with a single purchase amount of NT$20,000 and above, you can enjoy a 6-month interest free instalment payment plan!

How to apply for an instalment payment plan:
  • Please bring your purchase to the checkout counter and inform the cashier that you’d like to opt for an interest free instalment payment plan.
  • Exclusively for Taishin Bank, Citibank, Cathay, DBS, SinoPac, E. Sun. credit cards, a single purchase of a total amount of $30,000 and above is eligible for the 12-month interest free instalment payment plan.
  • A single purchase amount of NT$20,000 and above is eligible for the 6-month interest free instalment payment plan, applicable for credit cards issued Cathay, CTBC, Taipei Fubon, Taishin, Citibank, SinoPac, E. Sun, HSBC and DBS.
*If you used 0% instalment plan and need to return some items, you must return all items in the same order.

Learn more


1. How to find IKEA for Business service counter?
Service counter is located on the fourth floor of Tai Chung Store’s IKEA for Business area(near kitchen section).

2.What are the service hours for IKEA Business Services?
During weekday from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.

3. What are not included in the IKEA interior design service?
IKEA does not offer construction or renovation services such as electrical, piping, plasterwork, woodwork, partitioning, flooring, tiling, painting or wallpapering works.

4. Does IKEA charge an interior design fee?
All you need to pay is a reasonable price. See detailed service rates: IKEA for Business layout planning service Terms & Conditions

5. How to make an IKEA for Business consulting appointment?
Please send inquiry email to or call us at 04-27049699#6286.

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