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Kao Hsiung Store IKEA for Business

IKEA for Business assisted shopping

Do you need a bulk buy of furniture or purchase for business premises?
We offer a hassle-free single contact window. Bring your shopping list to Kao Hsiung Store for your IKEA for Business specialist to assist you with one-stop service, from picking up your purchases to arranging delivery and installation—all you need to do is pay a reasonable service fee and let our experts handle all the tasks. You can save time and money with IKEA for Business, as well as enjoy easy shopping.
Please e-mail or call 07-5377688 press 6168 to contact us

IKEA for Business Member Email Order

Is it inconvenient to visit IKEA store?
We provide E-mail ordering service for IKEA for Business members, please download and fill in the order form and Email it to IKEA will confirm the order with you within three working days.
 E-mail ordering service time: Monday to Friday 11:00-20:00
IKEA Kao Hsiung Store E-Mail order form


Planning office? Store opening?
Our IKEA for Business team in the Kao Hsiung Store provides professional consulting services. Our experts can help you complete all the tasks such as the measurement, drawing, ordering, delivery and assembly, and assist you in getting the checkout done quickly to save your valuable time!
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1.How can I find IKEA for Business service counter?
Our IKEA for Business section in the Kao Hsiung Store is close to express checkout counter/children's playroom on the 2F. The operating hours are 11:00 - 20:00.  
2. Do you provide decoration and repair engineering services?
Sorry, we do not offer decoration and repair engineering services and Installation of non-IKEA products
3. Do you charge for the design services?
You can find more details here, or e-mail to or call 07-5377688 press 6168 to contact us.
4. Can you help me get the goods off the shelves?
We provide personal shopper service. You can enjoy easy shopping without light or heavy lifting at a reasonable price.
5. How to book the IKEA for Business consultation?
E-mail to or call 07-5377688 press 6168 to contact us.
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