IKEA parking lot information
Opening hours:10:00-22:00
●Parking rate: IKEA has applied the Automatic Number Plate Recognition System, Car is charged $20 per 30minutes ; Scooter is $10 per 30 minutes.
●Paying method: Automatic payment machines are located in B1 and B2 (loading areas). You can also
pay online to save time.
●Free parking: Car and Scooter parking is free for the first hour.
●Parking fees discount: You can get additional one hour of free parking free, while your actual payment amount reaches $500 for car or $200 for scooter.
Charging stations for electric cars/scooters
●location:The B1 floor underground parking lot (B1-278,279)
●Type:AC 7kW, J1772 charger
●Nearby battery swapping station is Carrefour Chenggung store
Nearby parking lots
It is recommended to use public transportation more often due to the increased demand for parking during holidays. If the store owned parking lot is full, please patiently wait for entry or use nearby parking lots (need to pay by yourself).
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