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Kao Hsiung Store IKEA Family

Kid’s birthday voucher
Submit your little one’s information on the IKEA Family member page today, and receive a kid’s birthday voucher on your little one’s birthday month. Redeem at IKEA Swedish restaurant for 5 meatballs and a kid’s cold beverage with a purchase of any main course.
New IKEA Family member gift
Bring a receipt of any amount, and the voucher to the customer service counter on the first floor to redeem your new member’s gift for free.

IKEA Family offers

Everyday member discounts
You will always have special discounts on select IKEA products and also enjoy discounts at the IKEA Swedish restaurant and Swedish food market on an irregular basis. Not only saving your money but having fun shopping with double satisfaction! Present your IKEA Family Card at the checkout counter to enjoy the offers instantly.
Birthday voucher
Happy birthday wishes from IKEA! IKEA Family members can receive a birthday voucher by presenting your IKEA Family card and an ID with birth date on it.
Free coffee or beverage on weekdays
Monday to Friday (except for public holidays), enjoy a free cup of coffee or a beverage at the Bistro near the checkout exit with your IKEA Family Card (paper/digital) and a same-day receipt of your furniture or décor product purchase. 
Digital discount vouchers  
Be a friend with IKEA official LINE account, enter "升級" to link the IKEA card. After completing the connection, enter "優惠券" to view the digital coupons.
Free visiting gift
Making purchases as an IKEA Family member and reaching the required annual amount to win the chance to receive limited designing goodies in the coming year.

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