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Tao Yuan Store|IKEA Food Festival

Love the tasty food from our Swedish restaurant?  

With the chef of COZZI Market jointly create a variety of creative dishes by the food from IKEA Swedish market. All recipes are easily to cook and delicious, get some inspirations for dinner!


4/1-4/30 於COZZI Blu用餐或住宿即可獲得IKEA瑞典餐聽及瑞典食品超市抵用券
IKEA宜家卡友於Cozzi Market 逸·市集用餐享9折優惠,並加贈​私房接骨木特調及Blu Bar$150折價券​


4/1-4/30 於COZZI Blu用餐或住宿即可獲得IKEA瑞典餐聽及瑞典食品超市抵用券
IKEA宜家卡友於Cozzi Market 逸·市集用餐享9折優惠,並加贈​私房接骨木特調及Blu Bar$150折價券​

Recommended recipes: Plant ball recipes

HUVUDROLL plant balls

The plant ball has the taste, texture and juicy bite of a meatball – but it’s made with pea protein, oats, potatoes, onion and apple.​
With a climate footprint that’s just 4% of the meatball’s, this plant ball is a more sustainable choice. The perfect alternative for anyone who wants to make a difference – without losing out the meaty experience.

●Includes no animal ingredients, meaning a good choice for vegetarians and vegans.​
●The plant balls go perfectly with classic meatball friends like mashed potatoes, cream sauce, peas and lingonberry jam.​
●Easily prepared from frozen in minutes. In the oven, in the microwave or on the stove.​

Get more inspirations of HUVUDROLL plant balls >>>

HUVUDROLL plant balls with orange sauce

HUVUDROLL plant balls with Lingonberry jam& Horseradish sauce

Satay Meatball Skewers

Other Easy-Cooking Recipes

Salman with GRÖNSAKSKAKA vegetable medallion

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SJÖRAPPORT salmon fillet ASC certified

●Meet the ASC's global standard for responsibly farmed seafood.
●Pure, non-prepared salmon meat with nothing added allowing all inherent flavours of the oily, firm salmon meat.
●Great to cook in many ways ⎼ steam, fry, roast or grill.


SJÖRAPPORT cured cold smoked salmon

●This salmon has been cured and then cold-smoked to get a naturally fresh taste.
●Slightly firmer than cured salmon yet naturally fresh, less oily.
●Great as a buffet dish or with cooked food.


GRÖNSAKSKAKA vegetable medallion

●A ready-made, potato-based dish that you can enjoy them as a tasty side dish or main dish.
●Easily prepared from frozen in the oven.
●Great to serve with chicken, meat or fish – or on their own as a delicious vegetarian dish.


SJÖRAPPORT peeled shrimps salad with rice cookie

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SJÖRAPPORT peeled shrimps MSC certified

●Firm, succulent shrimp with a fresh and sea-like scent and flavour.
●Meet the MSC's global standard for sustainability.
●Great to enjoy cold in a shrimp cocktail or warm in a fish soup.


SJÖRAPPORT seaweed pearls black

●A good choice for vegetarians and vegans.
●Kelp seaweed is harvested from the sea bed, then ingeniously made into shimmering pearls with a fresh taste of sea and saltiness.
●Serve cold with eggs or canapés, as a decoration for salads or sandwiches .


KNÄCKEBRÖD FLERKORN Multigrain crispbread

●A multigrain crispbread.
●Serve for breakfast with an optional topping, or as a snack in-between meals.

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