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TaoYuan Local Sustainable Actions

Healthy and Sustainable Living

Electricity Saving 

LED bulbs can save up to 85% of electricity compared to traditional bulbs and have a lifespan of up to 20 years longer.  Not only will it save your wallet, but it will also help protect the environment. 
💡  See more IKEA Electricity Saving products 

Water Saving 

Don’t let your money wash away with water. Using a water-saving faucet/ shower head could save 30% of water than ordinary one.
💡  See more IKEA Water Saving products 


Recycling is an environmentally friendly endeavor that everyone can easily participate in. If everyone does a good job, we can preserve more natural resources for the next generation.  

Eat Healthy and Environmental Friendly  

Adhering to careful selection of ingredients that meet environmental and social responsibility standards and have passed certification, IKEA 's plant-based meatballs produce only 4% of the carbon footprint. We also use cage-free eggs and seafoods are sourced from MSC ( Marine Stewardship Council ) Catch from certified fisheries provide delicious, sustainable and nutritionally balanced food.  

Circular Economy and Becoming Climate Positive

Complex and green landscape architecture

The new IKEA Taoyuan Store was constructed with sustainability in mind: Use green energy, save energy, reduce carbon emission, water reuse and add greenery.
  • The ceiling to floor windows are using LOW-E energy-saving glass that has an excellent insulation effect and helps to reduce energies consumed by the air-conditioning system.
  • Integrated natural light and showrooms to make the store look more spacious and brighter.
  • The 802 pieces of solar panels on the rooftop can generate approximately 243,259 kWh per year, which in equivalent can support the energy usage of 70 households for a year.
  • Wind energy facility
  • Facade greening with perennial vine plant walls to increase green looking ratio and to create a pedestrian-friendly open space.
  • Our sprinkler system is using the filtered and sterilized water from the rainwater recycle and reuse system that at its full capacity can provide enough supplies to water the plants in the surrounding area for 50 days.

Recycling Service Station  

To implement the concept of an eco-friendly environment, the recycling service station on the 2nd floor of the Taoyuan store offers newspaper recycling. Additionally, used cardboard boxes and scrap paper are available for the public to take and reuse, promoting both cost savings and environmental protection.

Recycling Service Station  

In order to implement the concept of being friendly to the environment, the recycling service station provides newspapers , used batteries , and light bulbs for recycling. There are also provide second-hand shopping bags, protective packaging materials after the cartons have been processed for the customers.

Fair & Equal

Caring for People  

TaoYuan store places a strong emphasis on its employees and strives to create a friendly and inclusive work environment. This includes hiring employees with disabilities and older workers.
At every step, from the hiring process to workplace planning, job responsibilities, and career development, the well-being and needs of our employees are the primary consideration. Our goal is to create a workplace that is truly employee-friendly!

Caring for People  

IKEA Taoyuan values ​​employees and strives to create a friendly and integrated workplace, including hiring employees with disabilities and middle-aged co-workers. From the recruitment mechanism, workplace environment planning, job content and career development, every aspect is considered with employees as the starting point. Strive to create a friendly workplace environment!  
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